About this Blog

When my life is a mess, all I can do is run to Jesus. There in His awesome presence, is the only place to find peace, comfort, love and joy. At His feet, He opens my eyes to His mercy and goodness within the mess. This is my journey with my Savior.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sharing My Journey

I've started this new blog so that it can be specific to my journey with God.  God has been calling me to share with others for awhile now.  I kept avoiding it.  I already share on my other blog, isn't that enough? Who would want to read about my struggles?... better yet, Why would I want to share my struggles in a public forum?  Can't I just keep sharing after I get through a tough spot like I have been?  What if people think I'm even more crazy than they already do?  What if it's used against me?
God let me go around and around for awhile.  But he didn't give up on whispering around me to take the leap of faith and be obedient to what He wants from me.  So here is my new blog, specific to my journey.

My plan is to write on here more frequently than I have been.  This will allow for the posts to be more focused.  Sometimes I just have so much to say and I start jumping around and I miss points I wanted to make.  And writing is good for me.  I enjoy it and it helps me process.  It is easier to call out lies I'm believing when I voice them.  I also, Lord leading, intend to share more thoughts on the actual processing.  That means sharing more specific struggles, thoughts & feelings.  That means I'm opening myself to more criticism and it means I have to be more vulnerable.  But I believe God wants me to share those weak, struggling days that I have.  I know that the Lord is leading me to share those things because that is where other people can be helped.  And if the people who read this blog are annoyed with it, then I guess they shouldn't read it anymore.  But I have to push back with - are you annoyed because on some level, you feel a little conviction kicking in that is in a place you don't want to let yourself go?  Are you a little intrigued with what really makes this woman tick?  Are you wondering if it's genuine or fake?  What really gets her through?  Don't stop reading, it may be God knocking at your door.  Just throwing that out there.

God has used the last 2 years to be teaching me huge life lessons.  I would be selfish not to spread it to others.  I hope to be able to post soon about details on the start of a new support group that God will be using me to facilitate.  It is in the works and I ask you to pray about it.  That God's hand would be in the development, that I would hear his direction, and for the women that need it.  It's God's group, God's work, and God's glory.  I am but a humble servant answering His call on my life.

So thanks for following my journey.  Through the good parts, bad parts and the ugly parts.  I pray that you will be blessed.

~ Kari

1 comment:

  1. You are so strong, Kari~~~and your faith is the utmost high there is possible. I want to wish you good luck in your mission picked by God. Just so you know, I pray for you and your family daily. We have a slogan at our church,"God's work, Our hands." You are doing exactly that~ Blessings to you
